It's that time of year!
Time to recognize the volunteers who have shown their commitment, and given their time and energy to being a part of the overall program development and management of Rocky Minor Hockey.
Nominations are being accepted for the following:
(a) R.M.H.A. Coach-of-the-Year Award / (b) Longtime Coach Award
This award is presented to a Coach in recognition for his/her time and energy in the unconditional commitment to helping your child develop hockey and social skills.
· Demonstrates a positive impact and concern in the all-around development towards all players
· Shows respect for officials, opponents, parents, players and maintains a philosophy of fair play
· Demonstrates his/her knowledge in the game of hockey
· Demonstrates a positive competitive spirit, but recognizes the importance of success and development while maintaining the respect of the players
· Demonstrates guidance as to responsible conduct in and beyond the athletic arena
· Presents a positive public image of coaching and the role of a coach
· Shows the ability to improve the skills and performance of his/her team and is certified and recognized by Hockey Alberta in the requirements for his/her role
Demonstrates knowledge, understanding of and adheres to league, Hockey Alberta and Rocky Minor Hockey rules, guidelines and policies.
(c) R.M.H.A. Manager -of-the-Year Award
This award is presented to a Manager in recognition for his/her time and commitment to an individual team during the current hockey season.
· A Team Manager who has shown dedication to their team through exceptional organizational and planning skills.
· The individual has a positive impact on their team, effective communication and promotes respect for players, coaches, officials, opponents, parents and league.
· This person represents a positive public image for the association.
· Demonstrates knowledge, understanding of and adheres to league, Hockey Alberta and Rocky Minor Hockey rules, guidelines and policies.
(d) R.M.H.A. Volunteer-of-the-Year Award
This award is presented to a dedicated volunteer within R.M.H.A. Volunteers are an integral part of the Association. This award recognizes the importance and impressive impact of volunteers.